
Android Container

Display Switch

Switch and Display between Containers



  • SurfaceFlinger inside has a series of layers,which correspond to the windows of applications
  • SurfaceFlinger overlaps the windows according to the Z value of layers,calculates the blanking and display the synthetic frames
  • SurfaceFlinger's Z value is set by WindowManagerService


  • WMS inside has a series of WindowStates,which correspond to the windows of applications
  • WMS decides the position of windows according to the startup sequence,activated state and system interface state
  • WMS set the Z value of corresponding layer in SurfaceFlinger according to the windows's position


1. Add ContainerThread for WMS

  • ContainerThread code consists in frameworks/base/services/java/com/android/server/wm/,which is a class of thread
  • ContainerThread call Container.registerContainer() to register current container when created
  • ContainerThread call Container.waitingForNewPosition() to wait for the change of current container's position while running
  • When the position is changed,ContainerThread will send a message to ContainerHandler

2. Add ContainerHandler for WMS

  • ContainerHandler code consists in frameworks/base/services/java/com/android/server/wm/,which is a class of thread
  • When ContainerHandler receives CONTAINER_POSITION_CHANGED message:

      1. Set WMS's member variable-mContainerAdjustment as the current container's position * 1,000,000
      2. call WMS.scheduleAnimationLocked() to refresh Z value of windows

3 .Modify WindowManagerService

  • mContainerAdjustment,WMS's member variable,is to save adjusted Z value of current container
  • WMS set Z value of SurfaceFlinger;it will add mContainerAdjustment on the normal Z value

4. Modify WindowStateAnimator

  • mLastContainerAdjustment,WindowStateAnimator's member variable,is to save last value of WMS.mContainerAdjustment
  • Code consists in function createSurfaceLocked() and prepareSurfaceLocked()of WindowStateAnimator class to set Z value
  • function createSurfaceLocked() is to create a surface for windows,when calling:

      1. Get WMS.mContainerAdjustment's value
      2. Save it by mLastContainerAdjustment
      3. Set windows's Z value as mAnimLayer + WMS.mContainerAdjustment
  • function prepareSurfaceLocked() is to refresh windows's state,when calling:

      1. Get WMS.mContainerAdjustment's value
      2. Judge the value,if it's same as mLastContainerAdjustment's value
      3. If the same,refresh Z value as mAnimLayer + WMS.mContainerAdjustment
      4. Update mLastContainerAdjustment's value as WMS.mContainerAdjustment

    Modified files

  • /frameworks/base/services/java/com/android/server/wm/
  • /frameworks/base/services/java/com/android/server/wm/
  • Don't need to modify relevant

Reference Graph and explanation

Linux Kernel中的Container device drive保存了当前各个container的前后顺序,当不同container进行切换时,如何在屏幕上及时准确地显示出来呢?


